Tuesday, March 27, 2018

India Today

First, complete the South Asia map assignment in your coursepack. You may complete this individually or in small groups.

Next, begin exploring Modern India. This should be completed individually. Complete this assignment for homework if you don't finish in class, and upload your assignment to turnitin.com by the start of the next class period.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Introduction to South Asia

We will begin today by completing the East Asia Presentations.

We will then begin our South Asia Unit by watching India Rising, and answering the viewing questions.

For homework, complete the reflection questions from the video today.

Monday, March 19, 2018

East Asia Presentations

Today and tomorrow will be in-class research days to prepare for the presentations.

Wednesday - Friday will be the presentations.

Please remember the outlines must be on turnitin by the start of class on Wednesday, and YOU MUST GIVE ME A HARD COPY OF YOUR OUTLINE AT THAT TIME.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Test, and begin research

Today we will take the test over the second half of the East Asia Unit. When you have finished the test, begin working on the research project that was introduced yesterday. Monday and Tuesday are in-class work days on the project. Everyone's outline is due on Wed., and presentations will begin that day.

Remember, activity points are also due on Monday.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Review and Intro to Presentations on East Asia

Today we will review for the test this week.

I will also introduce to project we will be working on next: Modern East Asia Presentations.
Here are a list of topics for the project, and the notetaker you will use in your research.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Mao Zedong - The Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution

Today we will discuss the Great Leap Forward, and the famine that resulted.

Next, we will read personal accounts of the Cultural Revolution. We will also watch a short video with a confession from a former Red Guard.

Finally, we will attempt the answer the question: Is Mao Zedong a Hero or a Villain?

HW: Review for the test on Thurs.

Monday, March 12, 2018

The Chinese Civil War and the Great Leap Forward

Today we will be discussing the Chinese Civil War using the article you read for homework. We will also be discussing Great Leap Forward Summary.

For homework, review for the test.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Review and Mrs. Kimura's visit

Hi Class -
I hope you are enjoying the weekend.

Here is a list of content to review for the test on Thurs./Fri.: 2nd East Asia Test Review

Also, I spoke with Mrs. Kimura, and she will be able to come visit this Thurs., 3/15. Activity points will still be due on 3/19.

See you tomorrow,
Mrs. Allen

Friday, March 9, 2018

Activity Points Update

As many of you know, there is a planned student walk-out next Wed., 3/14. Although I don't know how many students will be involved, I have decided to try to reschedule Mrs. Kimura's discussion of her life in the internment camps. Because of this, I have extended the due date for all activity points to Monday, 3/19. I will update when I have more information about when Mrs. Kimura will visit.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Asia Rising

Today we will continue our discussion of the Korean War, focusing on the attempts to reunify Korean families.
Next, we will watch the first 30 min. of the video Asia Rising, and complete the viewing questions as we watch.

HW: Highlight and annotate “The Chinese Civil War” on (p. 240-242) and answer the questions on  (CP p.244-245).

The test of the second half of this unit will be next Thursday3/15 (Period 2) and Friday, 3/16.
Activity points are also due on 3/16, so please plan accordingly.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Korean War

Today we will continue learning about the post World War II American Occupation of Japan.

We will then begin learning about the Korean War We will also read about the impact of the Korea on the Cold War (CP p.238)

Trying to reunite families divided by the Korean War has been an issue since the end of the war, and time is running out for these families.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

The Internment of Japanese-Americans

We will begin today by highlighting and annotating an overview of the Internment of Japanese-Americans.

To hear more of the individual voices, we will Explore the Internment of Japanese-Americans.

HW: Complete the assignment White Light Black Rain for Tues.